Monday, 7 December 2009

10 Artists for Christmas

Please come and see Jo King's beautifully curated show '10 Artists for Christmas'.

The Old School
Stanton Lacy

Open Saturday 5th- Tuesday 8th December 2009 12-7.30pm

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Gentle reminder

Just to remind everyone about my Open Day to celebrate my 'View from a Welsh Hill' project.


Where the river Arrow used to flow

Riversdale Gardens
September 2009

Monday, 17 August 2009


I am creating a new work for Riversdale Garden for H-art 12th-20th September 2009.  Thank you to James, Mark and Chris for giving me the opportunity!  Details can be found at

Friday, 26 June 2009

Ludlow Summer Exhibition

I have just had the Tudor Roof Tiles series accepted into the Ludlow Summer Exhibition!  The show is on for the month of August.

Friday, 8 May 2009

RBS talk

A quick thank you to all who attended my talk at the RBS on Wednesday evening.  The talk was part of the 18@108 - Stone exhibition.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Arts Council Wales Grant

I am delighted to announce that I have been awarded a research and development grant by Arts Council Wales.  The project will start on May 1st and will be recorded in my blog "View from a Welsh Hill'.  

Clitheroe Well Commission

'Dark I am...' is a riddle created by David Lewis that spirals around to mark where the original well stood in Clitheroe Castle.  The well head has been made using Marmoleum and can be found in the museums cafe when the Castle and Museum reopen in May.

Sheep Line Grasmere

The Wordsworth Trust kindly asked me to install a 'sheep line' after seeing my installation at Kendal last year.  As part of the 'Home within a Home' exhibition (on until 14th June 2009) a dry stone wall has been created by Alistair Irving.  The wall is a response to Wordworth's poem 'Michael' which addresses youth, age and change.  The Trust asked me to create a'sheep line' in the wall.  I used two Herdwick fleeces, one a lambs fleece, the other an older sheep fleece.  The line starts with the dark red tones of the lamb and traces through the wall maturing into the softer grey of the adult fleece.